Everything worthwile starts with passion
Being a music tour manager/event producer by profession has given me a lot of opportunities to be as close to arts and human emotions as possible. Over the times spent on the road I realized I started to feel the need to capture the moments I was witnessing in a way I felt them myself. After quite a few years of running around the stages with a mobile phone camera, this urge to create a visual memory of emotions resulted in buying more capable equipment. Thanks to a full frame mirrorles companion I’m able to explore so many possibilities of photography. With practically neverending list of genres, I came to realize that besides music photography I’m also fascinated by urban night photography as after dark hours bring certain feeling of intimacy and realness.
Ever since I remember I have been strongly interested in graphic design and visual arts. Spending hours daily by studying graphic softwares came in handy many times at concerts again when tour posters were needed. Although I hugely enjoy venturing into countless kinds of graphic design genres such as branding, marketing, visual identity or illustration, visual arts with music content remains one of my biggest passions. My work resembles everything that fascinates me starting from minimalism, bauhaus, Swiss design, geommetry, asymmetry, 50’s to 70’s vintage style, to anything that catches my eye in everyday life.